Олег Тягнибок возглавил совместный список ультраправых организаций на выборах в Раду

Часть из них признана российскими судами экстремистскими...
Dimitri Yarosh
Last position: The adviser to the chief of the General Staff — the Commander-in-chief of Armed forces of Ukraine
Andrey Ivanovich Tarasenko
Last position: Chairman of All-Ukrainian liberation movement "The right sector"
Oleg Tyagnibok
Last position: Chairman (All-Ukrainian Union "Freedom")
Andrey Biletsky
Last position: Commander of the regiment "Azov" (National guard of Ukraine)
Koshulinsky Ruslan
"Right Sector"
Political ideology:Ukrainian nationalism, right extremism, Euroscepticism.
Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists
Political ideology:Ukrainian nationalism, national conservatism