Полиция отпустила всех задержанных на акции в поддержку журналиста Голунова

Людей освободили без составления протоколов. Об этом сообщает портал «ОВД Инфо» со ссылкой на журналиста Александра Поливанова...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Moscow speaks» , more details in our Terms of Service
Yvan Golunov
Last position: Zhurnalist-rassledovatel, journalist (Meduza)
Alexandra Polivanova
Last position: Cochairman (Regional non-governmental organization "Historical and educational, human rights and charitable association "Moskovsky memorial")
Victor Shenderovich
Last position: Prose writer, poet, screenwriter, TV host, radio host, publicist, columnist
Ilya Azar
Last position: Correspondent (Independent noncommercial organization "RID "Novaya gazeta")