Whether costs to companies to develop cloudy services

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How the Russian cloudy market will develop? What waits for the Russian cloudy providers in the next years? Whether customers are ready to refuse private clouds in favor of cloudy services? How businesses traditional IT integrators will change? These and other problems were discussed by participants of organized Mail.ru Cloud Solutions of the mailto:CLOUD conference devoted to the Russian cloudy market. "Large-scale transition of big customers to clouds did not happen yet...
Alexander Pyatigorsky
Last position: Vice-president for digital technologies, director of digital-department (PJSC Bank Otkritie FC)
Vidiya Aleksandrovich Zheleznov
Last position: Director of strategy and marketing communications (SPBGEU, FGBOU VO "SPBGEU")
Gontarev Pawel
Bobylev Vladimir
Marchenko Dimitri