Кто из депутатов Гордумы Ижевска заработал больше всего в 2018 году?

Опубликованы декларации народных избранников...
Mikhail Alekseevich Molokov
Last position: Deputy, vice-chairman of the constant commission on questions of development of the territory, town planning, land management and ecology (City Council of municipal unit Izhevsk city)
Konstantin Kotov
Last position: Director of JSC Combine of Public Catering
Boris Mikhaylovich Lomaev
Last position: Director of JSC Slavyanka
Zakhar Milostivenko
Last position: Deputy of the sixth convocation (City Council of municipal unit Izhevsk city)
Roman Nikolaevich Lazarev
Last position: Deputy (City Council of municipal unit Izhevsk city)