GOSA SK "Volga Steam Navigation" elected Board of directors as a part of seven people

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Annual general meeting of shareholders (GOSA) JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VOLGA-FLOT" (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VOLGA-FLOT", is included in UCL Holding), taken place on May 23, 2019 in Nizhny Novgorod, chose Board of directors as a part of seven people, is reported by SK "Volga Steam Navigation" press service. companies were included into Board of directors: Oleg Bukin, Kirilenko Victor, Pritula Dimitri, Denise Samsikov, Sinyavsky Alexander, Igor Petrovich Fedorov, Shishkin Alexander. In structure of Audit commission of society are included Bednova Svetlana, Krylov Pawel and Rumyantseva Irina. For 2019 LLC "R. O. S. EKSPERTIZA" is approved as the auditor of society...
Igor Petrovich Fedorov
Main activity:Official
Denise Samsikov
Oleg Bukin
Last position: Vice-chairman of Board of Directors (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GARAGE CONSUMER COOPERATIVE")
Kirilenko Victor
Pritula Dimitri
LLC "Administration office transportnymi aktivami"