The creative economy will give a new impulse to development OEZ "Gate of Baikal"

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The art cluster project in the territory of the special economic zone "Gate of Baikal" presented to Baikal Business a forum-2019 in Irkutsk. With presentation acted the head of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization Baikal-Totem Boroznenko Anatoly, the commercial director of OEZ "Gate of Baikal" Korotaev Pavel and the member of the working group of the section "Creative Economy", the architect-town-planner, scientific the head Nisko "Hail" FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "IRNITU" Burkova Victoria. Participants discussed need of an integrated approach for development territories and master plan creations...
Boroznenko Anatoly
Korotaev Pavel
Burkova Victoria
Tyurin Gleb
Main activity:Science and education