The pupil of "Tractor" took part in defeat combined Austria in the World Cup

@Pravda UrFO
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Eugenie Dadonov was marked out again dublemsborny Russian Federation in the second match on the World Ice Hockey Championship crushed rivals from Austria. The double marked out the pupil of Chelyabinsk "Tractor" Eugenie Dadonov, nowadays acting in National Hockey League for "State of Florida Panters". Russians from first minutes started firing at gate of the goalkeeper of the Austrians Bernkhard Shtarkbaum. Nikita Zadorov got to a bar, and the goalkeeper coped with throws Nikita Gusev and Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sergachev. However, and opponents tried to answer with the attacks. So, Clemens Unterveger shook a crossbeam of gate Georgieva Alexandra...