President of Turkmenistan read a rap, number of victims on elections to Indonesia approaches the third hundred, the Canadian risked life for the sake of a cat

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The planet as it should be, is to people the end Competently President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Myalikkulievich Berdymukhammedov read read a rap about a foal of achaltekin breed by the name of Rovach that means "Safe". About it reports Vesti.Ru. The animal received this honor because was born in the first day 2019 which passes under the motto "Turkmenistan-the prosperity homeland". Foal the Minister of Internal Affairs Isgender Khandurdyevich Mulikov presented to the head of state. The president executed a rap on the jumps devoted to the National festival of the Turkmen horse...
Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov
Last position: Maslakhata chairman Hulk Millie Gengesha (Medzhlis Turkmenistan)
Isgender Khandurdyevich Mulikov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan)
Fedorchuk Olga