Ведомости — Где найти рост

Так можно сформулировать основной вопрос, который тревожит и участников рынка розничной торговли в России, и аналитиков. Доходы россиян не растут, сопоставимые показат...
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Georgy Ostapkovich
Last position: Director of the Center of tactical researches of Institute of statistical investigations and economy of knowledge (NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY "HIGH SCHOOL EKONOMIKI", NIU "HIGH SCHOOL EKONOMIKI", HIGH SCHOOL ECONOMIES, HIGHER SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY, HSE)
Andrey Milekhin
Last position: Director general (LLC "Romir Holding")
Anton Kondratov
Last position: Vice-president for development of mass market (PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VYMPELKOM")
Dmitry Vostrikov
Last position: Executive director (Rusprodsoyuz)
Igor Shekhterman
Last position: Chief executive officer (X5 Group)