more than 1000 people cleaned the bed of the river Tonmas-sug Kyzyl. The action was ignored by inhabitants of this site

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Within an ecological community work day "Green spring" more than 1000 volunteers from the most different organizations carried out cleaning of the bed of the river Tonmas-sug to last days off. Collected 2437 bags of garbage, this nearly five hundred cubic meter, - the Deputy Prime Minister Sholban Khopuya noted in the blog. Part in an action was taken by more than 50 most different organizations, including deputies Hural of representatives Kyzyl...
Sholban Khopuya
Main activity:Official
Dina Oyun
Last position: Senator from legislative (representative) public authority of the Republic of Tyva (Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Mongush Nachyn