Savior of the boy: dogs surrounded it and tore

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In Blagoveshchensk the pack of dogs nearly did not bite to death the nine-year-old boy. The child was rescued by the worker of cement works. The man still shocked by the incident. Konstantin Samchenko told that animals surrounded the child and tore and when it selected at them the boy, dogs ran behind it. "Here children often walk, we do not pay attention to it. Yesterday we worked and heard as the child shouted – it is visible, what not group, and one, and not such shout, as usual, and plaintive, – is remembered by Konstantin Samchenko. – I looked, only dogs saw. Ours here dispatching office...
Konstantin Samchenko
Last position: Technical director of the branch of JSC EFKO Management Company
Valentina Kalita
Last position: Chairman of regional council (Amursk city regional branch office LLC BCMC)
Yakovlev Vitaly
Yakovleva Tatyana