The city hall Kiselev Vladimir accused opponents of building of Druzhba park of manipulation with opinion of citizens

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"The city hall did not plan any building of Druzhba park and a forest park adjoining to it, does not plan and is not going to plan", the press service reported Administration of Vladimir. Today enlarged meeting of Civic chamber of the city, devoted to questions of building of the Southwest area of the regional center and, in particular, adjacent to the wood near territory Druzhba park took place...
Andrey Shokhin
Main activity:Official
Ludmila Bundina
Last position: Chairman (BPOO "Deti voyny")
Dimitri Kushpita
Last position: Deputy, member of the budgetary Committee and Committee on social policy of city council (Council of people's deputies of the Vladimir city)
Vladimir Sipyagin
Main activity:Politician
Dimitri Fedorovich Khlashchev
Last position: Adviser of fraction (Legislative Assembly of the Vladimir region)
"United Russia"
Political ideology:Centrism, liberal conservatism, etatism
City administration
Government Agency