The joint statement following the results of the state visit to Turkmenistan the King Bahrain Bin Khamad Bin Khamad al Isa Khalifa

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The joint statement following the results of the state visit to Turkmenistan the King Bahrain Bin Khamad Bin Khamad al Isa Khalifa OBZOR PRESSY, on March 20 - SP "TURKMENINFORM". 1 . By the invitation of its Excellency President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov its Majesty King of Kingdom Bahrain Bin Khamad al-Khalifa Isa made on March 17-19, 2019 the state visit to Turkmenistan. Together with its Majesty Korolem there arrived delegation of high level which part ministers, the high-ranking officials and representatives of a business community were...