Poddorchane will gather for a benefit concert in support of the favourite priest

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Tomorrow in Poddorye the benefit concert at which local amateur collectives and guests from Staraya Russa district will make a speech will take place. The raised funds will go for rehabilitation to the prior of the temple of the Holy Trinity of the village Poddorye to the archpriest Vasilii Nikolaevich Kiselev. Poddorie district.0%2votmetim in group of BRANCH KULTURY that not only in areas, but also in Veliky Novgorod people pray and worry about the priest to whom in January, 2019 there was a trouble: sharp violation of brain blood circulation...
Vasilii Nikolaevich Kiselev
Main activity:Official
Solovey Maria
Ivanov Nicholas
Kiseleva Olga
PJSC Sberbank of Russia
Main activity:Finance