The list injured for February 28

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KHL Ryame Avangard Carry Avtomobilist Koltsov Kirill Makarov Pare Andrey Fransis Ak Bars Garipov Emile Vorobyev Amur Murygin Dimitri Turbin Aleksey Kupchikhin Pawel Dinamo Mn Buynitsky Dimitri Booth Gotovets David Drozdov Kirill Kostitsyn Yvan Osipov Andrey Pogorishny Denise Pavlovich Stepanov Alexander Osipov Andrey Dynamo of P Razgals Frenks of Skvortsov Gunars Yokerit Vyarn Maxime Landin Mike Kuenlun Shan RS Bartulis Oskars Kane Cory Myrtle Nikolls Tomash Sundstrem Dzhosh Yukhan Neftekhimik Khayrullin Marat Salavat Yulayev Burdasov Anton Public joint-stock company "Severstal" Artamkin...