Syktyvkar "Road economy" was headed by ezhvinsky "Zhilkomkhoz's" ex-director

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Past week the chair of the main thing road builders the capitals Komi Republic was left by Lazurenko Vasilii. It was succeeded by the former general director ezhvinsky "Zhilkomkhoz" Dmitriev Dimitri. As reported information agency "BNK" in the city hall Syktyvkar, Lazurenko Vasilii retired. Its place was taken by Dmitriev Dimitri who in December, 2018 left a post of general directors EMUP "Zhilkomkhoz"...
Yvan Alekseevich Mikhalchenkov
Last position: The branch director in the Komi Republic (JSC "AlfaStrakhovaniye")
Lazurenko Vasilii
Dmitriev Dimitri
Sosnovsky Nicholas
"Association Molodykh Predprinimateley"