Станет ли Натурин Николаем-чудотворцем

@Sluhi i Fakty
На выборах 2020 года в Иванове...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Hearings and Facts (Ivanovo)» , more details in our Terms of Service
Nicholas Nikolaevich Naturin
Last position: President (IOOO "Soyuz stroiteley")
Sergei Toms
Last position: The deputy chief physician by medical part (Regional budget health care institution "IvOKB")
Natalia Kurochkina
Last position: Deputy of the Ivanovo City Council
Roman Aleksandrovich Yefremov
Last position: Deputy, chairman of the commission of regional parliament on development of the construction industry (Ivanovo city городская Дума)
Olga Belolapova
Last position: Deputy