Фёдор Сулим возглавил конкурсную комиссию по выборам мэра Белгорода

В Белгороде прошло первое заседание комиссии по проведению конкурса на замещение должности главы города...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «It is white. Ru» , more details in our Terms of Service
Fyodor Sulim
Last position: The deputy, the Chairman of the Committee of region duma by the legislation and local government (Belgorod regional Council)
Nina Ivanova
Last position: The deputy chief of department - the head of department of public service and personnel (Department of Domestic and Personnel Policy of the Belgorod region)
Vladimirova Oksana
Slobodchuk Vitaly
Dolmanova Helena
Government Agency