"The grandmother of easy behavior – 2. Aged avengers" with digression to history

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At movie theater "Colosseum" the audience per day saw the comedy with Alexander Reva in a leading role That who saw the first part of the Russian comedy "Grandmother of Easy Behaviour" it is worth being adjusted on unexpected turn of events earlier. Main whether the hero, whether the heroine – Fishman Alexandra , she Fishman Alexandra (Alexander Reva), it seems, already become the decent person, instead of the speculator, decides on a robbery. And, at first banks, and then one of founders banks...
Helena Valyushkina
Last position: Actress (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater named after Mossoveta")
Marina Fedunkiv
Last position: Actress, TV host
Eugenie Gerchakov
Main activity:Cultural worker
Fishman Alexandra
Galustyan Mikhail