Changes in line-ups on December 4-21

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KHL Vanguard - dozayavlen Sergei Shumakov / Shumakov Sergei (No. 69 attacking, Russian Federation, 04.09.1992, 184-85, O) (19.12.2018) - dozayavlen Nalimov Yvan / Nalimov Ivan (No. 70, the goalkeeper, Russian Federation, 12.03.1994, 194-95, L) (30.11.2018) Motorist - dozayavlen in the list "Koltsov Kirill / Koltsov Kirill (No. 4, the defender, Russian Federation, 01.02.1983, 178-90, L) (14.12.2018) - the forward Parkhomenko Konstantin is exchanged in club VHL "Yermak" for monetary compensation (04.12.2018) Ak Bars - dozayavlen in the list "Muravyev Youri / by Muravyov Yury (No. 47...
Sergei Shumakov
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey (Independent noncommercial organization "XK "Automobilist" Yekaterinburg city")
Yvan Nalimov
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey of HC Sochi (INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "SK "KUBAN-REGION")
Marek Grbas
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey (Hockey club "Verva Litvinov")
Dinamo Saint Petersburg city