PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BANK URALSIB" and MasterCard held the Power of Partnership conference for partner banks

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PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BANK URALSIB" together with the international MasterCard * carried out to Sochi traditional conference for partner banks – "Power of partnership". Representatives participated in an annual meeting more than 30 banks about only Russian Federation...
Igor Demchev
Last position: Vice-president, head of department for work with partner banks (PJSC Uralsib bank)
Konstantin Aleksandrovich Bobrov
Last position: Member of the Supervisory board (PJSC Uralsib bank)
Aleksey Volkov
Last position: Development director and to sales of products (LLC "MasterCard")
Sychev Artem
PJSC Uralsib bank
Main activity:Finance