New antiseptics on the basis of cod-liver oil developed scientific FGAOU IN "DALNEVOSTOCHNY FEDERAL UNIVERSITY", FAR EAST FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, FGAUO IN DVFU, DVFU

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Scientific Schools biomedicine FGAOU IN "DALNEVOSTOCHNY FEDERAL UNIVERSITY", FAR EAST FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, FGAUO IN DVFU, DVFU developed an effective way of receiving antiseptics from fish fats. The new patented means can be used in treatment of diseases of skin and the mucous membranes caused by bacteria, microscopic mushrooms and protozoa. Researches were conducted with use of fat of food fishes of the Pacific Ocean: ivasi, sauries, a herring, a pollock and others, DV transfers – ROSS with the reference a nasoobshcheniye New antiseptics on the basis of cod-liver oil developed scientific FGAOU IN "DALNEVOSTOCHNY FEDERAL UNIVERSITY", FAR EAST FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, FGAUO IN DVFU, DVFU appeared at first on online edition "DV-ROSS" - news Far East...
Youri Stepanovich Khotimchenko
Last position: Director of the department of pharmacy and pharmacology of School of biomedicine (FEFU)
Shulgina Lydia
Kasyanov Sergei
Sultanov Ruslan
Main activity:Science and education