Прогноз на матч "Барселона" - "Бетис": будут ли проблемы у чемпиона с "огурцами"

"Барселона" - "Бетис". Прогноз на матч 12-го тура испанской Ла Лиги (11.11.2018, 18:15 мск)...
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Ousmane Dembélé
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Barselona")
Thomas Vermalen
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Barselona")
Serkhi Samper Montanya
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Vissel Kobe")
Louis Alberto Suárez Dias
Main activity:Athlete
Yumtiti Samuel