In Saint Petersburg handed over awards of the theatrical award "Gold Spotlights"

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By the best actor's ensemble recognized Ignatova Marina, Popova Helena and Patrakova Irina which are occupied in the performance "Three Fat Men" of BDT named after G. A. Tovstonogova...
Helena Popova
Last position: Actress (BIG Drama Theatre named after G. A. Tovstonogova)
Irina Patrakova
Last position: Actress (BIG Drama Theatre named after G. A. Tovstonogova)
Yvan Nikolaevich Batarev
Last position: Actor (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky akademichesky theater named after Lensoveta")
Eugenia Igumnova
Last position: Actress
Ignatova Marina