In Saint Petersburg the anniversary exhibition the artist Andrey Konstantinovich Bazzaev will open

@IA "Res"
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News Exhibition pictures of the known artist in Ossetia Andrey Konstantinovich Bazzaev (Scythian), dated for the 65 anniversary of the master of a brush, will open in Saint Petersburg on the third of November. "Res" reported to news agency about it the son of the artist Skif Bazzayev. "At exhibition will be presented, generally the latest works Andrey Konstantinovich Bazzaev", - he noted. According to the Scythian Andrey Konstantinovich Bazzaev, South Ossetia were planned to carry out an exposition of the national artist of South Ossetia. "Initially he, of course, wanted to present an anniversary exhibition in the homeland, but there all referred to that there is no suitable showroom...