In State educational institution of higher professional education "Kyrgyzsko-Rossiysky Slavyansky university named after Boris Yeltsin" discussed heritage Przhevalsky N. M.

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On October 19 in State educational institution of higher professional education "Kyrgyzsko-Rossiysky Slavyansky university named after Boris Yeltsin" the round table "The Euroasian routes Przhevalsky N. M. took place: to a question of preservation of historical memory of the great traveler". The forum is organized by the Russian Military and Historical Society (RMHS), Embassy Russian Federation and representation of Federal agency for Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots living abroad and on International humanitarian cooperation in KR, the House museum Przhevalsky N. M. and State educational institution of higher professional education "Kyrgyzsko-Rossiysky Slavyansky university named after Boris Yeltsin". With welcome speech Russian Federation in KR Andrey Krutko the rector of State educational institution of higher professional education "Kyrgyzsko-Rossiysky Slavyansky university named after Boris Yeltsin" the academician Nifadyev Vladimir and the Plenipotentiary Ambassador...