Chursin Igor took part in meeting of the Central committee OO workers' union communicationsRussia

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On October 10, 2018 in the Big hall of the Palace of work of labor unions the VI Meeting of the Central Committee OO workers' union communicationsRussia, which main subject of Prospects of <20> Developments the Branch Organizations Communication and Mobilization of Labour Collectives on Performance of Objectives steel took place...
Galina Rysakova
Last position: Senior vice-president for organizational development and personnel management (PJSC Rostelecom)
Igor Nikolaevich Chursin
Last position: Deputy head (Federal Communications Agency)
Sergei Klimov
Last position: Director of the department of organizational development (MINTSIFRA OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
Nicholas Podguzov
Last position: Chairman of the board
Budykin Igor