Объявлен состав нового правительства Ивановской области

@Ivanovskaja gazeta
Глава региона 10 октября представил новых членов правительства и на встрече с ними обозначил ключевые задачи в работе...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Ivanovo newspaper» , more details in our Terms of Service
Alexander Leonidovich Shabotinsky
Last position: Vice-chairman, head Kompleksa of housing and communal services and power (Government of the Ivanovo region)
Helena Shabanov
Last position: Vice-chairman, head Kompleksa of property management and purchases (Government of the Ivanovo region)
Irina Ermish
Last position: Vice-chairman, head Kompleksa of the social sphere (Government of the Ivanovo region)
Olga Khasbulatova
Last position: Vice-chairman, chief of staff (Government of the Ivanovo region)
Ludmila Badak
Last position: Director (Department of Economic Development and Commerce of the Ivanovo region)