From Volga to Baltic. The athlete from Zlatoust became the winner of unusual running

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the Way to travel — to run! This expression on all hundred was confirmed by the resident of Zlatoust Mikhail Nikolaevich Polosukhin, having won first place of the All-Russian championship of extreme run with the original name "Healthy as Elk".

Organizers of the championship, Muscovites, called in editorial office of our newspaper, delightfully spoke about the leader from Zlatoust. And we met Mikhail Nikolaevich Polosukhin and heard history how he managed to become "the main elk".

— the Championship of fans of cross-country run, and in general on off road terrain, arose at us in the Urals, on Iremel. Tryokhgorny acted as the organizer and when Muscovites picked up competitions, they made four stages. All summer, since June 2 and till September 9, I left on runnings: started at the most mass iremelsky stage, then near the Kurgan lake Bear, on the Volga open spaces and on the coast of Baltic. By the way, it was the most difficult stage — Mikhail Nikolaevich Polosukhin told.

the Interlocutor tells

: of a victory did not think, but it is glad because it was succeeded to travel over the country in the good companies. Mikhail Nikolaevich Polosukhin are supported by friends who deliver the friend runner by car, fly, go by trains together with him. What moves? Friendship and hobby for track and field athletics. It since youth. Mikhail Nikolaevich Polosukhin knows that he was largely lucky with mentors — trainers and cool people Abaimov Alexander and Alkhamov Ilya.

Result of our fellow countryman — 160 points. It took them as the participant of all four stages who has adequately overcome four most difficult routes, each from 20 to 23 kilometers long. What became an award? Award, and also nominal number and free registration for the championship of future season. And certainly, the most important — a sound mind!

Mikhail Nikolaevich Polosukhin
Last position: Actor of theater (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Moscow city theater "Theater Luny")
Abaimov Alexander
Alkhamov Ilya