Regional FRP approved to the Chelyabinsk enterprises a loan on 191 million rubles

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the Supervisory board of Fund of developments the industries Chelyabinsk Region approved to two regional companies financing projects for the sum of 191 million rubles. Financial support will allow LLC "NEFT-SERVIS" to adjust release unique for Russian Federation the five-plunger pump for oil-extracting branch, and LLC NPO "Penta" - to begin productions a paper basis with the improved technical characteristics. Both projects approach under the program of preferential loan financings "Components" and there correspond to an order of the governor Boris Dubrovsky about maintenance of companies, letting out import-substituting production, the press service of Ministry Ekonomicheskoye razvitiya Chelyabinsk region reports.

LLC "NEFT-SERVIS" presented the project "The Organization of Productions the 2500 H.p. Five-plunger Pumps for Needs of Oil-extracting Branch". Company plans to create the pump of a high pressure of PNVD.2500 "Hydra". Experts LLC "NEFT-SERVIS" already developed part of key components of the pump, prepared a production site and carried out a choice of the necessary equipment.

"Technology production of hardly removable stocks of oil demands now drilling of more and more deep wells, i.e. use of more powerful and technological equipment. In particular, applications in drilling rigs of plunger pumps of a high pressure instead of the piston pumps, being traditional technology XX century. Constructive solutions of the five-plunger pump allow to provide higher rates of productivity with a smaller weight and dimensions that provides convenience of transportation, installation and operation", - the director of economy and finance told LLC "NEFT-SERVIS" Ruchkin Youri.

the General budget the project makes 216,9 million rubles, and required volume loans – 100 million rubles. (30 million rubles from regional FRP and 70 million rubles - from federal FRP). As a result of implementation of the project 13 workplaces, 3 of which - highly productive will be created.


of "Neft-Service" more than 18 years work at the market and is the leader among producers of the equipment for capital repairs and drillings of wells (hydraulic keys, spiders) in the territory Russian Federation. The structure of companies includes 2 engineering centers, productions production are carried out on 2 platforms: in Chelyabinsk and Miass. Serial release of five-plunger pumps is planned to start on the Miass platform.

the Second applicant became company LLC NPO "Penta" for which loan in 90,8 million rubles on productions a white paper basis is necessary. Financing will be directed on production improvement thanks to what the ready product will have the improved characteristics of a whiteness and an ash-content. High quality will be reached by introduction of process of removal of printing paint from initial raw materials.


the Supplier of the equipment the French firm Kadant Lamort which is the supplier of technologies and the equipment for a massopodgotovka of productions of a cardboard, offset paper and paper of sanitary and hygienic appointment will act.

as a result of implementation of the project LLC NPO "Penta" will be able to let out to 3 600 tons of a white paper basis a year. The general budget the project will make 136,4 million rubles, 3 high-performance workplaces will be created.

"products are advantage of ours its environmental friendliness: we make a paper basis from waste raw materials, instead of from cellulose. Also introduction of new technologies will allow us to reduce a water consumption in a production cycle practically by 30%. We seek to care of ecology of our region" , - the deputy director for sales noted LLC "NPO Penta" Rybakov Aleksey .

"During implementation of projects, the volume of taxes, all levels which have arrived in budgets will make about 400 million rubles. "Neft-Service" plans to begin release unique for Russian Federation pumps of a high pressure. Their characteristics completely answer the existing international standards of oil-extracting branch. NPO "Penta" will introduce the hi-tech production line which analogs work at the enterprises South America and North America, Europe and Asia in the region territory. Chelyabinsk Region becomes the third in the country which enterprises possess such technology", - the minister of economic developments Smolnikov Sergei noted .

the Company "Neft-Service" became the fourth enterprise applying for receiving financings on the regional Components program, and the second, whose sum loans makes 100 million rubles. The first contract loans on 100 million rubles according to this program was signed from PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "CHKPZ".

we Will remind

that under the terms of the Components program, the applicant can obtain a preferential loan on a rate of 1% per annum in the first 3 years of using loan and 5% per annum for the remained term. The sum makes loans from 20 to 100 million rubles for up to 5 years. Project joint financing: 30% from the applicant and 70% - loan Funds.

Chelyabinsk Region is included Into structure of the Supervisory board of FRP:

Ruslan Gattarov - the Deputy governor Chelyabinsk Region;

Sergey Vologodsky - the deputy director of Federal Fund of developments the industries

Smolnikov Sergei - the Minister of economic developments Chelyabinsk Region;

Bobrakov Aleksey - the Minister of property and natural resources Chelyabinsk Region;

Burtsev Sergei - the Chairman of the board of PAO "PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "CHELYABINVESTBANK"";

Degtyarev Fedor - the President YUUTPP;

Ovakimyan Aleksey - the Chairman of public council at Ministry Ekonomicheskoye razvitiya Chelyabinsk region, the board member YUUTPP, the vice-president of the self-regulating organization of auditors APR, the director LLC "AUDITOR FIRM "AVUAR";

Yudin Vasilii - the Adviser of PAO Bank "Opening Finance Corporation", Office "Ryazan"

Pavel Izbrekht - Director general PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "CHTSZ";

Yalaletdinov Albert - Director general LLC "CHKZ";

Baev Leonid - Professor of Economy and <47> Management Projects chair Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher professional education "National research university "High school ekonomiki" and managements FGBOU VPO (NIU) "FGAOU FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "YUURGU (NIU)", SOUTHERN URAL STATE UNIVERSITY".