To Tyumen Region the chief physician is fined for violation of terms of payment of state contracts

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the Facts of untimely payment were found by regional prosecutor's office during check.

the Facts of untimely payment of the state contracts were found by Prosecutor's office of Tyumen region during check of observance of the legislation in the sphere of purchases. The press service reports about it departments.


It is established that in 2017 - 2018 of GBUZ THAT REGIONAL HOSPITAL NO. 11 (R. P. GOLYSHMANOVO) by results of carrying out electronic auctions signed with a number of the organizations the state contracts on delivery account materials for laboratory and medical preparations.

Suppliers the part of the contract executed

about what the parties made and signed the documents confirming acceptance goods. At the same time, the Regional hospital No. 11 payment the put goods detained.

In this regard Prosecutor's office of Tyumen region excited in the relation of the chief physician of hospitals administrative business for violation of term and a procedure for payment of goods (works, services) at implementation of purchases for ensuring the state and municipal needs. The day before by results of hearing of cases COMMITTEE ON CONTROL OF PROCUREMENTS OF THE TYUMEN REGION fined the official of 60 thousand rubles.