Whether there will be Kursk without "Russian of a chamber orchestra"?

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"An orchestra died and the orchestra is well! " is comes to mind when you try to understand all events with one of the most known collectives of the region. Today the situation with "The Russian chamber orchestra" develops is so unpredictable what unambiguously to claim, there will be a collective or will break up simply it is impossible. But about everything one after another.

everything began

C of that?

the Collective was created in 2001 by Proskurin Sergei , and since 2004 was registered as the Chamber orchestra of REGIONAL STATE INSTITUTION. Regular departures abroad, participation in paid and benefit concerts, brought to collective popularity and love of the audience. Even that, despite the name, the Russian music the orchestra almost did not play, did not become a reason for malice. About collective wrote much and with pleasure. However, agreeing on articles, the maestro drew each time that you should not call its orchestra an orchestra of REGIONAL STATE INSTITUTION, saying that "music executed by actors outgrew long ago a university format ".

A meanwhile, for work and professional growth Proskurin Sergei in REGIONAL STATE INSTITUTION were created all conditions, and in 10 years he from the senior teacher became professor and the candidate of art criticism for whom created in 2011 chair of tool performance. Conditions that to the maestro came to study from Europe what he declared more than once in mass media were so created.

Having received chair, the head of "Russian of a chamber orchestra" began to skip even more often classes, everything more rare to appear on rehearsals. It could disappear from REGIONAL STATE INSTITUTION in the unknown direction without the prevention that inevitably affected educational process. Many students complained that lack of studies at professor Proskurin Sergei beats off at them desire to be trained at university.

Nevertheless, all wishes Proskurin Sergei both administration, and dean's office of faculty of arts were carried out: at general reduction in higher education institution, specially for its chair found possibility of opening of the new – a performing orientation in pedagogical education, time was impossible a set on conservatoire specialty. But, alas, any student from Europe to him to study did not arrive.

After leaving Vyacheslav Gvozdev from a post of the rector and election to this position Khudin Alexander, the question about activity collective was lifted once again. As it appeared, the orchestra was very expensive pleasure for REGIONAL STATE INSTITUTION: only the monthly maintenance of actors of an orchestra cost to 400 thousand rubles. And besides funds were allocated for eminent expensive actors with single performances and expensive tours of an orchestra were in every possible way encouraged. Considering the general optimization in the sphere of educations, it was difficult to delay such loading to university even the professional orientation purpose. Especially as Proskurin Sergei in each interview emphasized that its collective not university and to contain a private orchestra to the state higher education institution – somehow strange. whether

Can say, what maestros forced out from the region? No, certainly. Nobody dispersed collective. To musicians defined the minimum salary, all suggested to earn the rest independently. In the conditions of market economy situation more, than normal. What profession take — everywhere there is a salary and awards which else it is necessary to deserve: somewhere having exceeded norm, somewhere having taken additional hours, having prepared and having published scientific work, research, having started the new project or attracting sponsors. Let's repeat: elements of formation salaries around the world are that. Still offensive anybody especially did not consider similar approach.

But we will return to an orchestra. For all city there was a bolt from the blue an emergence by spring of this year information Proskurin Sergei in newspaper "Moskovsky komsomolets - Saratov" (the electronic version – in open information space). In interview to the journalist as always the charming and imposing maestro told that intends to return from abroad where lived the last years, home. To move with a family from Sweden where it allegedly spent all this time (that is was not in its biographies Kursk, "Russian of a chamber orchestra", Kursk state universities), Proskurin Sergei went just to Saratov. And after all, at least, since the end of winter of this year, Proskurin Sergei already managed chair of conducting of the Saratov state Conservatory of name L.V. Sobinova. Most likely, the part of unexpected departures from Kursk just also was connected with employment on a new place. And thus he remained the head of the department of tool performance of REGIONAL STATE INSTITUTION …


: newspaper "Komsomolskaya pravda - Belarus"

Where will go musicians?

up to the end not solved: to move to it or not, Proskurin Sergei already several times was rather unflatteringly expressed about work in Kursk. In conversation with musicians, in particular, he so characterized probable departure: "From this d … ma, thank God, escaped". And now the most interesting question: whether the collective after the head will go? Incidentally information that chose only 7 people to whom suggested to move with it to Saratov from all group of the maestro emerged. The others considered unworthy. But from those to whom the proposal was made, almost all refused. It and is clear: people have here apartments, families, to start everything from scratch on a new place, having in a stock only foggy prospects, rather risky.

B Kursk the state university editions of KurskTV reported that since September 1, since the beginning of academic year, higher education institution stopped the legal relations with Proskurin Sergei . However, as it became clear, that the maestro stopped cooperation with university, he did not tell to musicians. Moreover, gave the order to continue rehearsals and even made the plan of the arrivals to Kursk …

A where clarity?

Than and when this history in higher education institution difficult to tell will end. "New academic year began so well, all were so spiritualized, shining. Ahead – the mass of ideas, including in respect of an orchestra, in respect of exhibition concert hall creation in the new case of REGIONAL STATE INSTITUTION, after all wisdom of the management created new faculty – arts and art pedagogics which united not only three musical chairs in one, but also musicians with artists", – teachers admit. After rather ugly leaving Proskurin Sergei , what will be with created by it and 15 years lived in REGIONAL STATE INSTITUTION an orchestra? What further? The question not only with "The Russian chamber orchestra", but also with the collective name is not clear up to the end. It is patented by Proskurin Sergei or not? Who and when will come to direct collective which, certainly, will undergo changes both in structure, and in a work profile? Whether will keep the oldest higher education institution our area so big group of actors of an orchestra in the conditions of modern optimization? Full answers to these questions will be given only by time.

today's day everything takes its course: the orchestra rehearses not to get out of a professional shape; actors – on a place (to be fair we will note that one nevertheless went to Saratov and its place is already taken by other performer) and none of them are not dismissed, as a university position : "To an orchestra – to be! "

Main photo: riakursk.ru

Vyacheslav Gvozdev
Last position: Chairman of the board of Kursk regional public fund of support of education, science and culture "University" (KROF of support of education, science and culture "University")
Proskurin Sergei
Khudin Alexander