Public joint-stock company "Mobilnyye TeleSistemy" took 13,7% of shares of the owner of the service for $12 million
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the Mobile operator Public joint-stock company "Mobilnyye TeleSistemy" acquired

Youdo Web Technologies Limited owning the Russian online service on search of performers for the solution of household and business challenges of The transaction passed within the next round of on attraction of financings in which Public joint-stock company "Mobilnyye TeleSistemy" acted a lead investor.

the Raised funds company plans to direct to

on expansion of geography businesses, start of new categories of services, a federal advertizing campaign and further automation of service, the Prime writes .

the Online service works with

in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan and Yekaterinburg. On service 5 million users, from which more than 800 thousand — the verified performers are registered. About 30% of orders on service are virtual, are created and carried out from any point of the world. In the capital Republic of Tatarstan service started working in October, 2017.