Vrancha woke up: to Romania there was a new earthquake

@Sputnik Moldova
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Kishinev, 16 Sep — Sputnik. Vrancha woke up: tremors measuring 3,2 points by the Richter scale occurred in the morning in Sunday in the Romanian district Buzeu.

According to official figures National research institutes Earth, the earthquake began at 09.19 in a seismic zone of Vrancha, at a depth of 111 kilometers.

the Earthquake was felt by

in the cities: Nehoiu (25 km from epicenter), Judet of Covasna (42 km), Yntorsura Buzeuluy (50 km), Tyrgu Sekuyesk (56 km), Buzeu (58 km). Inhabitants Moldova did not feel pushes.

Since the beginning of month it already 13 on the account an earthquake. The strongest pushes were recorded on September 8 3,5 points.