В Москве открылся бутик модных аксессуаров от Александра Добровинского

@RIA Moda
Открытие бутика Alexander Do (бренда Александра Добровинского) состоялось 13 сентября на Патриарших, сообщает PR Trend Agency...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «RIA Fashion» , more details in our Terms of Service
Alexander Dobrovinsky
Last position: Managing partner (LAW FIRM "ALEKSANDR DOBROVINSKY I PARTNERY")
Catherina Mtsituridze
Main activity:Official
Irina Khakamada
Last position: Journalist, publicist, writer, TV host, radio host, economist
Alexander Gafin
Last position: Executive director of Fund of the Bolshoi Theatre non-profit organization
Dimitri Khrustalev
Last position: Actor, showman, TV host