In Makaryev district celebrated employees of forest branch

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passed the festive event devoted to day of employees of forest branch In a big hall of Administration of the municipal district Makaryevsk of the Kostroma region

the head of the area Komarov Aleksey Aleksandrovich:

— Heartily I congratulate you on your professional holiday. You do a lot of work, protect the woods, the first come to rescue when in the wood there are emergency situations. On behalf of area administration, from deputy corps, I congratulate you on a professional holiday! Accept sincere gratitude for your hard, continued work, skill, the inexhaustible energy, the responsible relation to the business.

Komarov Aleksey Aleksandrovich handed over Certificates of honor and Letters of thanks to experts forestry and forest protection Makaryev district.


words of kind wishes and parting words were made by the director of a forest area Vasilyev Alexander Alekseevich and awarded employees of forest branch Letters of thanks of Forestry Department of the Kostroma region.

the Musical gift for workers of the wood became sincere songs performed by the best soloists of the regional center of leisure Melnikov Oleg, Skvortsova Catherina, Sheludchenko Olga and Slashcheva Victoria.

the Holiday left to

a kind trace and warm memoirs, filled hearts of employees of forest branch with a pride for the hard work.