"The drummer of municipal work" gorod Krasnoslobodsk Volgograd Region brought the house to ruin

@Vysota 102
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Shtraf of 40 thousand rubles it is necessary to pay LLC "MANAGEMENT COMPANY "SZHKH" Srednyaya Ahtuba district. Twelfth Arbitration Appeal Court who recognized lawful and reasonable the decision Arbitration court of Volgograd region to LLC "MANAGEMENT COMPANY "SZHKH". As they say in the court decision , - reports information portal "Vysota 102", - Inspectorate of State Housing Supervision of the Volgograd region revealed a number of violations on observance of rules of the contents and repairs an apartment house No. 13 on st. Experimental station of VIR in g. Krasnoslobodsk. On a surface of walls of a facade numerous cracks, destructions of basis of the balcony plates, the bared mortgage fittings and so on were recorded. UK was brought to administrative responsibility and a penalty, however the management disagreed with the taken-out resolution and appealed to arbitration court with the statement for recognition its illegal and cancellation. However court the first instance and court appeal instance placed all points, having recognized lawful and reasonable requirements of Inspectorate of State Housing Supervision of the Volgograd region.
It is remarkable that LLC "MANAGEMENT COMPANY "SZHKH" directs Aleksey Ivanovich Tyshchenko. He is her owner and the founder. Besides, he is an owner of two more enterprises: LLC "Slobodskoy water services company" and LLC "KTS". In addition, Aleksey Ivanovich Tyshchenko works as the deputy director LLC "SERVICE COMPANY "RESOURCE". Perhaps, as declared editions residents of the house, "sitting" on numerous chairs stirs Aleksey Ivanovich Tyshchenko to keep their apartment house of an order? After all no living man all things can - they reminded known expression to the head of UK. The question causes in inhabitants also that fact, as appears from EGRYuL that the chief accountant LLC "MANAGEMENT COMPANY "SZHKH" is the director LLC "KTS". They declared that intend to address in prosecutor's office with the corresponding statement.