In Tyva Republic after taking measures of public prosecutor's reaction by Department of guardianship and guardianship of the area reports on storage and use of property of minors are handed over

@Novosti prokuratury RF
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Prosecutor's office Kaa-Khemsky district Tyva Republic is checked by


It is established that in Department of guardianship and guardianship of Kaa-Khemsky district are not made and reports for 2017 about storage and use of property of the minors which are on providing in Publicly funded national institution PT "Derzig-Aksynsky boarding school" are not handed over for the statement.


On the revealed violation prosecutor's office the area to Ministry work and social development of Republic Tyva Republic directed idea of elimination of violations of the law.

the Act of public prosecutor's reaction is considered and satisfied with

. Reports on storage and use of property of minors for 2017 are handed over.