Theatre in the Samara psychiatric hospital opened a new season

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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Life inexplicably connected destiny of the honored artist Russian Federation Belov Oleg Konstantinovich - a star of the Samara drama, and the people passable treatment in psychiatric hospital. Together they step on the stage and speak with the audience about love, friendship, overcomings and victories, about terrestrial and eternal. But, pleasing public, they also treat themselves. Belov Oleg Konstantinovich who for me forever remains unsurpassed vulnerable Mozart from "Amadeus" the Samara academic theaters dramas of a name of Gorky, and his "sick" actors for whom theater became a window to the healthy world.
the Scene from the performance "Rural Stories". Photo: Chechurina Irina / RG

Before and after

In the 42 years Belov Oleg Konstantinovich reached much: tens roles at various theaters the countries, and since the 92nd year - on a scene the Samara theaters dramas. There were years when he played here to four premieres a season, and still put performances in the House of actors, taught scenic skill in Nayanova's academy. But on take-off of creative career the debugged wheel of life suddenly started slipping - there was a stroke. Did not help neither a positive spirit, nor a healthy lifestyle - Belov Oleg Konstantinovich never drank and did not smoke. The illness almost won!

O than he thought, lying in reanimation, and then in the long immovable days of the house where from all grateful mankind the wife Galina who had to leave work was near only. She became its muse, the nurse and a guardian angel. Humdrum of life were added also what to live to a family it was the share of pension of the disabled person of the first group.

- Understand, the most terrible after a stroke at all that you are half immobilized, it is more terrible to become unnecessary, thrown out of life. I was lucky with relatives, with colleagues, but - the first group of disability... It was necessary to dismiss me from theaters, - Belov Oleg Konstantinovich sighs, but right there the person him is lit up by a kind smile.

In those hard times life threw to it a happy occurence. (By the way, new theater in psychiatric hospital they and called "Happy occurence"). It was in the person of now dead, and then the acting director of the Samara drama Vyacheslav Alekseevich Gvozdkov whom Belov Oleg Konstantinovich remembers with big warmth.

- Belov Oleg Konstantinovich, I found business for you and your wife. The chief physician regional psychiatric hospitals asked me to find long ago to him the actor for their rehabilitation theaters and all hands did not reach. It is such art therapy through art, - Vyacheslav Alekseevich Gvozdkov said the velvety bass. - You at once do not refuse, look narrowly, try. Theatre after all it everywhere theater, as well as life.

they with Galya decided to try

I temporarily, on one statement and and remained already for the sixth season. Thanks to the chief physician of hospitals to Sheyfer Mikhail who allocated also the car for trips for work still to poorly going Belov Oleg Konstantinovich, and the room for rehearsals, and light with the sound equipment, and also gave to the director almost free rain of creativity. The condition of physicians was one - any seamy side on a scene. The positive and beauty can treat only.

- From the drama conflicts at theater not to leave, facts of life at us in Shukshin too much. But pain is not a seamy side, and experience. Our actors have to associate themselves with heroes of the play, understand that they look good on a scene, - Belov Oleg Konstantinovich explains.- We when Pushkin put, took suits of the XIX century. When the girl actress put on a magnificent dress and stepped on the stage, a hall at a festival in Moscow gasped with admiration. Having touched psychiatry, I learned that there are about 300 types of diseases, and owing to this fact patients very different, some from ordinary people will be not distinguished. And our task to help them to win against the illness and the loneliness by means of a scene.

Unusual actors

First at the actor "usual" theaters were considerable fears and stereotypes about lattices at windows, strait jackets and the uncontrollable or slowed-down patients. But, having been in psychiatric hospitals, Belov Oleg Konstantinovich quickly understood that in the majority patients of this medical institution the ordinary people who once have not coped with a stress. And with them it is possible to communicate, work, laugh on friendly tea drinking. Such sit-round gathering Belov Oleg Konstantinovich and Galina arranges almost after each rehearsal. Cookies, sandwiches, jam and the main dessert - communication. The kind relations maintain even with those actors who were already discharged from hospitals. And some "healthy" continue to play them theater.


- to Them need not so much art, how many interaction with people, - Galina gets into conversation. - In years we had almost family relations. With us, unlike doctors, it is possible to argue, offer the options and therefore when on rehearsal psychologists look, they are surprised without distance:" yes you simply all canons pull down".

Physicians are convinced by

that theater helps the insane to patients to restore the lost skills of possession of the voice, a body, thoughts, emotions, trains memory, learns to communicate and improvise. By the way, the studio was named by one of patients of hospitals who called possibility of participation in theatrical performances a happy occurence.

the Family scene

Here the seventh year Galina - the official employee of psychiatric hospitals, she is responsible for suits, a requisite, scenery and light, writes performances. And Belov Oleg Konstantinovich acts as the volunteer as the director teacher of performances. Troupe basis - patients, doctors, volunteers, it is frequent Belov Oleg Konstantinovich and itself steps on the stage, after all in hospital there is a fluidity of the recovered.

Over time to beginners the confidence and even skill came, and here with Belov Oleg Konstantinovich anybody never was late for rehearsals, for them waited, for them with pleasure prepared.

Put Pushkin, then there was Chekhovian "Bear", "Chonkin" of Voynovich. Last season closed "Rural stories" according to Shukshin's stories - only seven performances. The poetic performance "To Burn Down with a Verb Hearts of People" which basis will be made by verses of patients becomes statement of this year. As the director assures, these are very sincere and often talented creations, simply to tears scolds. And in plans for the near future - preparation for the Moscow festival of creativity of people with features of mental developments "Ariadna's Thread" which winner Happy occurence art studio became already repeatedly. But the main success - packed houses in which the ordinary audience" as equal claps to unusual actors.

- When I to them right at the beginning read

B to hospital there are clothes for a scene and the specialist lighting, even lamps for effects. But the main thing for unusual actors is a public therefore theater responds to any invitations: acts in the center of socialization of youth, in sanatoria, hospital, in museum. "We play where will call because theater, as well as life, - it everywhere", - notices the honored artist Russian Federation, considering the present craft almost more valuable, than all previous creative career.

Personal opinion

Similar feelings of alarm about which Belov Oleg Konstantinovich at the beginning of our meeting told, I tested, for the first time going on performance: whether it will be necessary to pretend to be, representing delight? . But the casual campaign in theater was happy. On a scene - backs with views of the shukshinsky village, unpretentious, but very bright requisite which is instantly immersing in times of own childhood. The toy car - replaces to actors real, the marriage bed imitates a bright scrappy cover. And together with actors and Shukshin's talented texts the imagination of the audience joins on complete revolutions. And therefore an applause, laughter and tears in a hall the presents, as well as flowers with pies - upon completion of performance. Learned a bit later that all scenery to statement paid one their admirers theaters. In general friends at "Happy occurence", and it not oligarchs and high ranks, and simple people, becomes more increasing every year.



- according to 30-50 percent of the people who have addressed to the therapist with any complaints on health, actually have mental disorders. Often at the heart of habitual vegeto-vascular dystonia - a mental disease. On a scene theaters "Happy occurence" - people who did not want to live to please to prejudices with an illness, and had bravery to ask for help experts. And the art and therapeutic group is a reset after which come back to families, get a job. In a hospital patients often for years lie, consume food and medicines, many are lonely. And here - new social reality. In operating time over performance they interact among themselves, with the director, try on on itself new roles, it becomes interesting to them. Theatre helps to live with an illness and to feel significant.