It was as if big treachery – Ilyin Ilya told about life from a blank sheet

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Ilya Ilyin
© Sputnik / Batyrshin Timur

Kazakhstanskomu to the weight-lifter Ilyin Ilya obeyed

Almaty, 11 Sep — Sputnik, Kim Sergei. "We only on the TV saw you! It is possible to be photographed with you? !" — the passerby — the father of big family asked at Ilyin Ilya on the street, and after the real photoshoot with each member of household followed. The weight-lifter Ilyin Ilya in Kazakhstan — a star, and I patiently wait when with it one passerby will be photographed more and more.

the History Ilyin Ilya pulls

on an embodiment in cinema art. Twice one of the most known Kazakhstan athletes reached the main top in weightlifting, but was compelled to return gold medals of the London and Beijing Olympic Games after doping scandal. Then there was a two years' disqualification. And recently Ilyin Ilya, for the first time after the compelled pause won a victory on the Kazakhstan tournament and promised to go further.

A now, overtaken unawares on one of unsportsmanlike actions, he answers all questions. To it it was heavy. But it consulted and is aimed at result.

to Learn to live anew

- whether it is heavy to start everything with a clean slate?

- Well … to some extent, of course, it was heavy. Somewhere there were purposes long ago put, it was necessary to go to Tokyo all the same (the following Olympic Games will take place in the capital Japan in 2020 –). I understood: if give two years of disqualification, I will make toilet and further I will start working – that now occurred. Because still there was a purpose after the Beijing Olympic Games:" till 32 years I will finish, the Tokyo Olympic Games, then I already all". My physical forces … it is possible to train further, but why it is necessary. It is necessary to study, eat already gaps certain which were formed while I trained – study, a family further. The daughter does not see me. There are certain things for which it will be necessary to make up after the end of career. Therefore decided that 32 years, the Tokyo Olympic Games, and on it I will finish. Despite everything, I will undertake another – intellectual work, spiritual, grow any more as the athlete, and as simply person. There were difficulties certain … But anything, consulted, everything is good.

- But as passed this time, the disqualification period. As it – to lose for the sake of what since the childhood "plowed" in a hall, being traumatized, risking health. Suddenly from you it take away. How it was?


— Certainly, it was very strongly disappointed in all this, frankly speaking. Well, as took away … selected not at one o'clock – "today caught, right there took away". Climbed in the past, opened tests in three months prior to Rio (Rio de Janeiro – Sputnik), before the Olympic Games to which I was ready for 99 percent. It was quite strong shock. As though big treachery.

- Treachery from whom?

— Probably, from world weightlifting. Because all the same a lot of things gave to world sports. The same all my native. Lifting a bar, I spoke:" Here we, shtangist, we together, we the big family which does big serious work – shows possibilities of a human body as the person can grow". Scientists do it in science, athletes show how it is possible to grow on the example of the body. Here time, at once everything failed. Also it was quite sick. It is far not sports. It not sports subject. Any athlete who with me was on a scaffold and who lost to me, never will tell that I won dishonestly. Any athlete. It not sports party of sports. It is the big political party which I to change not in forces. If all of us gather, athletes, and we will tell: "Children, excuse, will not go so, it is necessary to change something because you at one stroke kill people! Kill them morally, kill them physically!" . People die – all life went, and here on you, double standards.

Diskvalifikatsionny blow

- whether you Were depressed?

— Yes. Certainly. The reluctance to speak about it … Certainly, was. Everything was – it was heavy, and a family lost (about divorce with the spouse – Sputnik. ) … Still I worry, still I work with psychologists. I am still restored. Slowly, gradually. Here, thanks to a victory, small, but is our general victory – people who congratulated me, sighed a little: I as it should be, live-healthy, work.

- Often people who meet great difficulties, start seeking consolation in …

— In addictions …

- Perhaps, addictions, maybe, to change of a way of life, we will tell so …

- I a little bit plunged, so to speak … in all this. Both spirits, and everyone … But I understood that in it the exit is not present and at once started getting out … I understood that it is necessary to go further, to put myself in order. Found way out ways, started going on them. Everything is quite successful.

- Faced treachery of people who were ready to be on friendly terms with Ilyin Ilya - the champion, but in the changed circumstances suddenly ceased to contact?

— I understand it so: human relations — it is great science, philosophy. Very thin thing. Each person has "ceiling" which he can sustain with other person. If the person has a problem, and he became puzzled, frightened, disappointed, it does not mean that he threw me. Simply its psychological mechanism internal made so that it a little bit receded back.

- you forgive such people?

— Not that I forgive to

. I understand, probably. And therefore I try not to take very much to heart. If there is a problem and there was one, it is necessary to solve it most. There not to friends, not to these offenses. It is not necessary to think for the person who took any step. First of all, it is necessary to gather and work over itself, and to get out of the situation. Because this my situation. If I speak: "As, you left me …" — from it it will not be better. It is necessary to get simply on feet, to find a way out. To look round – who remained a row, to bring together them: parents, the daughter, friends – and forward. If you take offense at people, it means at you a problem and you look not there, not in that direction. It is necessary to look at itself and to decide that it is necessary to do most to leave a situation.

- As are taken away by medals? Here, the decision is sounded. And …

- them nobody takes away a medal from you. Wanted, gave. Did not want — did not give. I heard that many did not give – "I lost" and so on. And they (sports officials – Sputnik. ) have no right to you to come and take away.

- That is deprive only of the status, but not medals in a physical embodiment?

— Yes. But I gave medals. I (Olympic – at Sputnik) collected the two medals, looked at them … I transferred them to the assistant, and he transferred further, to the Olympic committee. There already disposed of them. I know that in the category "94 kilograms" in general nobody got a medal – I do not know, where it (the London medal – Sputnik). The Beijing medal — at Koletsky Szymon, it is my good friend, it is possible to tell, my elder brother. Helped me a heavy minute — I went to it to Poland.

- After he received your medal, you with it spoke about it?

— No, did not tell. Now, probably, time will come. We will meet and we will talk. I do not know, whether transferred it a medal precisely … That is as a result of a medal do not take away if you consider it necessary to give … I considered necessary to give – time so, OK. All the same 10 more years will pass, everything will rise on the places.

Weightlifting in Kazakhstan — that occurs now

- the Train of doping scandals. The blow to the Kazakhstan weightlifting is how enormous?

— It is enormous. Unfortunately, for all world weightlifting — it is enormous blow. Now we from it slowly recover. Us disqualified for a year, on Asian games we did not get … The federation of weightlifting Kazakhstan led by Tusupbekov Zhanat slowly consults, does everything for our juniors that this situation minimum affected our "base". We work over that to put everything in order. Certainly, it was the blow for all of us. Now, in general, in doubt — whether there will be a weightlifting in the Olympic Games of 2028. But anything, I think, we will consult.

- whether are Helped by you, including psychologically, to other athletes? Same a number of disqualifications — at us and female weight-lifters suffered. Whether meet other athletes, or endure it everything more or less separate?

— Now there are social networks … But we, of course, in good relations, are on friendly terms. Podobedova Svetlana – good mother (Podobedova Svetlana – Sputnik), at it is a family, very much we rejoice for it, Maya (Maneza – Sputnik) goes about the own business, at it small clinic the Chinese. (Chinshanlo – Sputnik) we work with Zulfia in one hall, work for Tokyo. All half-lives with each other lived therefore are quite amicable. Certainly, to each other we do not visit. But if we meet – warm welcome, we will drink tea, we will sit, we will communicate, are very glad each other.

the Purpose — self-development

- during disqualification offers from other countries about moving with a view to Tokyo did not arrive?

— we have such sport: yet you will not offer – nobody it will do. In principle, it also is not necessary for me. I think: here abroad. Abroad it is necessary to study. Got education in America. Received to Russian Federation. Received to United Kingdom. Took all good, arrived here, and apply here – where was born, there and was useful.

- you continue study?

— I slowly study. It to me well helps to abstract and cultural to develop. Recently I in Boston studied English three months. I think, such strategy of mine of developments will be correct. It was disaccustomed – arrived here, applied, made any good project, went further, learned. And to cook in the juice — it too not an exit, you will lose more. It is necessary to find time for personal education because you are a person, you were born, it is your debt – to develop the intelligence. Meaning of the life, I think — to develop and understand how the planet is arranged, why we here. And it only through knowledge.

- That will be after completion of sports career? For certain each athlete reflects on it …

— After sports career at me some options. At first it is necessary to finish training in English. Then I will go further to be trained or to sports management, or to study diplomatic business. Perhaps, it is necessary to end a magistracy at good world university to update the knowledge. Because here with this baggage to me it will be heavy – it is necessary to go, two-two and a half years to give to knowledge, to arrive then back. I have mentor, the teachers, ready to take me for work. But it is not simple that I Ilyin Ilya, not for "Ilya Ilyin". And that I have data – they say that brains work for me. It very much imposes me, and I am grateful to them. And it gets. The president looks, speaks:" You are a good fellow, give, go forward". That is there are people who can channelize me the direction in life. But I have to be ready to it. Certainly, still the family — at me grows the daughter, I should think of the following family, the boy it is necessary. I have mother, the father, nephews. There are people who worry about me, worry. And I think that I should grow not only as to the athlete, but also as to the person, the Kazakhstan citizen further.