Fatikhova Aygul: "The best work is your hobby"

@Vechernie Chelny
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the Co-owner of the city's first motor-salon told about formation businesses, nuances of the work and shared plans for the future.

– Fatikhova Aygul, you with the husband for 10 years operate the business. What of the periods of developments was the most difficult?

– On each of stages were the difficulties, but we always understood that at us everything will turn out. Everything began with hire of ATVs. We were the first in the city who brought them to Boats. Began with hire in Victory park. For the city it was in a novelty, and citizens actively became interested in this equipment. Timur in parallel was fond of cross-country race, it constantly pottered with motor-equipment, repaired not only, but also acquaintances. From there was also a demand for spare parts. Gradually from hire of ATVs we passed to sale motorcycles and in general motor-technicians. I was engaged in motor-salon advance, and the husband – technical questions. The first deliveries were from St. Petersburg and Izhevsk, then we started passing smoothly to sales second-hand Japanese motorcycles. Arranged deliveries from Japan and United States of America, from where containers carried "Japanese". But when in December, 2014 the dollar jumped up more than twice, it was necessary to stop deliveries as it was already unprofitable. Yes, this period was the heaviest, probably, but difficulties temper.

– What solutions of recovery from the crisis you undertook?

– We started looking for other suppliers, in particular, decided to analyse the European market. Went together with the husband by car with the trailer (laughs) to Italy to get there motorcycles and to arrange further deliveries. Stopped in the countries which lay along our way, and analyzed the motor-equipment market . For example, to Belarus the prices of motorcycles approximately same, in Poland – the "killed" equipment, since. it about only Europe, and here the prices of the two-wheeled brother also bring significantly high to Germany. Reached to the island Region of Sardinia (it too Italy) bought there 5 motorcycles – exactly there were most favorable prices for Russian Federation. However, it was necessary to potter very long with them at customs as took goods not in one organization, and literally bought up in Italian "is wound". Good there was an experience. Understood that the price tag in 300 thousand rubles and more significantly influences sale motorcycles. Therefore while stopped on sale the Chinese producers.

– the Hobby of the husband for cross-country race helps with advance businesses?

– it is natural, after all it excellently understands motor-equipment, itself constantly watches novelties, tests them, analyzes. In motor-salon separate attention it is paid to cross equipment – cross motorcycles and pitbayka always available, on any a karma. We like to carry novelties – to us interesting, also for krossmenov we carry equipment not only from Russian Federation, but also from Italy and Japan.

I Want to tell

that all of us are in love with the motor-. This love imparted also the daughter who from 5 years goes by the ATV. This year took it already adult, 200-vat, the ATV of Linghai the Yamaha, and it while 8 years. In about 3 years we plan also the son to train in cross-country race (to it while 11 months). If it is pleasant to it - perfectly if is not present, we will not insist. I too the fan of cross-country race, however, passive – like to watch trainings, to be ill on races (itself I do not go). Till 9th month of pregnancy went with the husband on competitions, to support it. However, this season should be passed, as the son still the small.

– Fatikhova Aygul, you drive motorcycles?

– Yes, of course, I perfectly cope with various equipment. But for me it after all is more hobby. And I consider, the best work is your hobby. If you do favorite thing, it will be obligatory to make profit. This living position also helps us to occupy this enterprise niche.

– Who is the main buyers of your equipment?

are young people of 20-35 years. However there are also unique buyers about whom never you will think that they go by motorcycle. For example, there was a mullah who bought from us motorcycle, or the dean of one of local higher education institutions. To children buy generally ATVs are safer equipment, and a high as much, how many from two-wheeled "colleagues". Among buyers there are also girls who get as motorcycles, and mopeds. We very much respect these girls, and our seller is especially glad. The young guy simply blisses out from the business, he as well as we, adores motor-equipment. It seems to me if there was no love to the business, we, probably, would not hold on in the market so much. Also well we communicate and with our competitors, we are on friendly terms with them. I consider that buyers always have to have a choice. We constantly are in dialogue with our clients, we do discounts since constantly we bargain and we know how it is pleasant to receive "nishtyachka".

– That in the next years plan to improve in the business?

– Now we rabotayemnad even more to expand the range of motor-technicians, consider proposals of new suppliers, not only Russian, but also foreign. Especially it concerns spare parts. We arrange straight lines of deliveries spare parts on Japanese motorcycles directly from Japan and United States of America.

we pay Much attention to "growth" of the employees, we send them for various trainings, we hold corporate events – all for improvement of quality of tinning of clients! Also there is a problem, what not during "season" of workers it is more, than works, and during "season" – on the contrary, there are no hands. We look for solutions of this task as there is a wish for stable sales, and not just summer.


It is worked for expansion of the territory of sales: across Republic of Tatarstan we sell well, and here on Russian Federation not really. Certainly, periodically we send goods to different corners of our country.

Over improvement of work of motor-salon, in principle, we work with

always, it is simple during a season once to think of it, and here now the most favorable time for developments.

of the Spouse Fatikhova Aygul and Timur Fatikhovy develop in Naberezhnye Chelny Favorit motor-salon. company created in 2006 became the large regional dealer motor-and agricultural machinery: motorcycles, mopeds, scooters, ATVs, snowmobiles, minitractors, trailers and so forth. They is the official distributor of Japanese, Chinese, Italian producers.