Mass media: full namesakes of relatives Naryshkina Svetlana tried to buy residence permit to Hungary

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of the Photo: the press service of the Kremlin

Alleged close relatives of the head of the Service of Foreign Intelligence (SFI) Sergey Naryshkin addressed for residence permit to Hungary. Investigation on this subject was carried out periodical e-edition "Novaya gazeta", by the Hungarian center of rassledovatelsky journalism of Direkt36 and a news portal "444".

according to the edition, native Sergey Naryshkin tried to receive residence permit for 360 thousand euros. In documents coincided both names, and dates of birth of members of the family of head of SVR.

relatives Naryshkina Svetlana addressed For residence permit according to the program of "the gold visa". It worked to Hungary in 2013-2017. For residence permit addressed Naryshkin Andrey (quite so call the son of head of SVR), his wife Naryshkina Svetlana and two daughters.

the Edition did not specify

, in which year the alleged son, the daughter-in-law and granddaughters Naryshkina Svetlana wanted to receive residence permit. It is specified nothing and about, whether it turned out at them as a result. According to periodical e-edition "Novaya gazeta", Naryshkin' family happened to Hungary after 2015. But does not write about that, how many time it was.

Till 2013 Naryshkin Andrey worked in state corporation of PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "FEDERALNAYA SETEVAYA KOMPANIYA YEDINOY ENERGETICHESKOY SISTEMY". However it did not hold high posts, big money did not earn. Not really clearly, from where at it 360 thousand euros for the sake of appearances on a residence.

Sergey Naryshkin the Jr. had in due time two trading companies in Saint Petersburg, however they appeared in the 1990th years. Gilani Eugenia sentenced his business partner to 20 years of a colony for drug traffic. About the income of the spouse Naryshkin Andrey too are specified nothing.

Besides Naryshkina Svetlana, residence permit to Hungary, by data periodical e-edition "Novaya gazeta", the whole group of other Russians tried to receive

. Among them the former deputy head of State corporation "Rosatom" Yevstratov Eugenie, the deputy of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from Communist Party of the Russian Federation Vladimir Nikolaevich Blotsky, the board member PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZPROM NEFT" Yankevich Aleksey, general directors Pobeda airlines Kalmykov Andrey, the former senator Helena Sagal and some other.

at the end of August the Russian singer Meladze Valery asked Ministry of Justices of Georgia to provide it nationality of this state.

Sergey Naryshkin
Last position: Director (Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation)
Helena Sagal
Last position: Director general (JSC "Company "Arnest")
Vladimir Nikolaevich Blotsky
Last position: Deputy, member of the committee on agrarian questions (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Naryshkina Svetlana
Naryshkin Andrey
State corporation "Rosatom"
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water
PJSC Gazprom Neft
Main activity:Mining
Political ideology:Socialism of the 21st century, communism, Marxism-Leninism, anti-capitalism, anti-fascism, patriotism.
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water