To Latvia fine for Russian-speaking leaflets in protection of Russians of schools

@Eurasia Daily
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The board member of Russian Union <9> Latvia party Kryukova Eugenia reported on a social network of Facebook (zapreshchena v RF) that it was fined by the Center of a State Language (CSL). The penalty is written out for sticking-up in Daugavpils leaflets with an appeal to be on meeting in protection of the Russian schools...
Янис Янович Дукшинский
Last position: Vice-mayor (Daugavpils city council)
Yanis Antonovich Lachplesis
Last position: Member of council (Daugavpils city council)
Tatyana Zhdanok
Last position: Deputy from Russian Union of Latvia party
Kryukova Eugenia
Mamykin Andrey
Daugavpils city council
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European Parliament
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