On September 8 in Cheboksary there will take place anniversary relay of the Soviet Chuvashia newspaper

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For the 80th time for a victory will enter fight of one hundred runners, at stadium for them will wait for ten prize-winning cups, and the audience — some hours of fascinating team fight. Everything who wants to plunge into the atmosphere of a sports festival, we will remind why still on Saturday morning it is worth coming on "Olympic".

to Look at superstadium


It is known that Chuvash Republic was among 12 regions Russian Federation, received federal funds on construction and reconstruction of training platforms for 2018 FIFA World Cup. After reconstruction on "Olympic" changed not only the field, all sports infrastructure conforms to standards of FIFA. And let teams-participants of the FIFA World Cup on our base did not arrive, but such handsome stadium and is useful. Next year, by the way, here can pass anniversary, the 100-th, the championship Russian Federation on track and field athletics — Cheboksary now appear in the list of candidates for carrying out these competitions.

to Run on star paths

during "SCh" relay to racetracks "Olympic" in different years there were champions of the Olympic Games Yegorova Valentina, Borzakovsky Youri, Helena Nikolaeva, the silver prize-winner of the Olympic Games Ivanov's Ivanova Olimpiada and other well-known athletes. And still — the stars of world sports three years ago coming to Cheboksary on a team championship Europe on track and field athletics. Among them — the double bronze prize-winner of the Olympic Games Lemetr Christophe from France, the repeated champion Europe the Pole Levandovsky Marcin, well and, of course, the Russian Shubenkov Sergei, winning in the World Cups and Europe. By the way, the president of the European track and field athletics association Sveyn Arne Hans called a team championship Europe in Cheboksary the best in the history of tournament. It is thought, and relay on heat of fight will not concede to the international tournament.

to Support the

If you do not come for start — come to support the running. For all teams "SCh" relay as it is accepted to speak in sports, is house. So we will support only the. It is possible to support runners of the native enterprise, the national team of school at which once studied and it is simple to be ill for acquaintances — every year relay collects hundreds fans of a healthy lifestyle, and at stadium you for certain will find whom long ago did not meet. So come, bring children and representatives of the senior generation: after all "SCh" relay — a holiday to which come families.

of the Photo from edition archive: Paths at stadium too updated, it is possible also new records on them to establish.

Helena Nikolaeva
Last position: The host of the Morning of Russia program on Russia-1 TV channel (VGTRK)
Christophe Lemetr
Last position: The professional athlete on track and field athletics
Yegorova Valentina
Ivanova Olimpiada