Ludmila Berlinskaya about music and Quartet 4x4 program shootings

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on September 8 on air TV channel "Kultura" - new musical show "the QUARTET 4x4" . Before display of the first release of the program our correspondent Alina Artes learned from the pianist, the judge of this project, Ludmila Berlinskaya, as passed film-making process, and also about, why a quartet, in her opinion, - an ideal form.

of A.A. - In air there is the first release of the program "the QUARTET 4x4" . . What impressions remained with you after these shootings how it was? - Certainly, memoirs remained the most positive! I remember these shootings as one great pleasure! In spite of the fact that all of us worked hard, both judges, and participants, the idea of this program was remarkable and captured all of us.

First, such never before was not. This project became the first and unique in own way. Secondly, musicians who were invited, proved to be at very high level. To us, to four judges, it was very difficult to choose the best because everything is valid were good.

I certainly, it should be noted our "judicial" team. It was very successfully worked and with the leader Larin Kamil, and with my three colleagues in jury, with each of them it was interesting to me to interact in own way. And that we managed even to play together with participants projects, it too is very healthy. We felt uniform collective and felt at one professional level.

of A.A. - Whether it is possible to tell, what you with judges too managed to form a peculiar quartet?

of L.B . - It is absolutely precisely noticed! All of us were representatives of the different musical directions, however, it did not disturb us. It seems to me that we managed to collect such harmonious quartet which with ease could cope with any task.


Therefore to us also came to mind to play something together, so the idea of uniform collective united us. So and, judges - one more quartet of this transfer. Such unusual and spontaneously arisen. - A few years ago you participated in to the program "Satie. Not dull classics" also told that the form of a quartet can be considered exemplary. You and now so think?

of L.B. is at all I told, and Ludwig van Beethoven! It has the well-known phrase that for it the quartet is a string ensemble of an ideal, archaic form. It as 4 corners! Without it music is impossible. I think that the quartet is a peculiar golden ratio. This certain ideal and balanced combination.

of Missile defense me in general say that I was born in peculiar "a kvartetny cradle". My father, the cellist Valentine Aleksandrovich Berlinsky - the founder Kvarteta of Borodino. So for me the quartet is very personal history. - I know that in the course of shootings you refused idea of exposure of estimates. Why you made the similar decision?

of L.B. - Everything is explained by that contestants simply could not be estimated. All musicians played in different genres, and their many ideas were interesting and good. Quartets were very different and on structure of participants therefore simply someone could not be defined and give preference to one.

We made the decision not to put points, and to state only remarks and wishes. Especially, such format seems to me more productive. It is much more interesting to give advice and to direct.

of A.A. - You and participated earlier in competitions. What was to return to this competitive process? - Probably, will be to tell more true that the festival, instead of competition turned out. I think that the similar format had to be pleasant to participants. They felt most comfortably, and there was no competitive tension when there is a performer who thinks only of notes, and judges who estimate each his movement opposite sit. It was pleasant to them to play, it was pleasant to us to estimate therefore everything at this large-scale concert turned out.

Also should noting that on shootings there was audience. The performer had no feeling of a cold, empty hall therefore all history turned out such live and dynamic.

of A.A. - What following projects are coming you in the near future? Together with my partner Ansel Arthur we prepare the Two Pianos Original Project project. We look forward to a disk which, we hope, will appear soon. That is curious, this record has to become the first of four in a series so we consider that the subject of quartets and the fours does not abandon me still (laughs). Also my book prepares for an exit. Well and certainly, I continue a series of concerts. In December I prepare some actions, I plan participation in the December Evenings festival. I do not forget Russian Federation, and in Moscow.

Watch new musical show "the QUARTET 4x4" on air of our TV channel every Saturday at 22:00. The first release – on September 8.

of the Photo: Shults Vadim