Production a preparation for correction of deficiency of magnesium began near Belgorod

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the Ceremonial opening of contract productions LLC "PIK-PHARMA LEK" and Wörwag Pharma GmbH & Co. KG took place on September 6.

the Line on production the preparation "Magnerot" (ororat magnesium, a preparation for completion and prevention of deficiency of Mg in an organism) were started by LLC "PIK-PHARMA LEK", entering LLC "PIK-PHARMA".

Production a preparation at capacities of the Belgorod companies localized the producer and the owner of a brand of "Magnerot" – company Woerwag Pharma (Germany). The enterprise is located in industrial park "Severny" in Belgorodsky district.

by words general directors and the co-owner of groups of companies "Pik-Farma" Marinichev Boris, actually company already let out about 200 thousand packings of a preparation, but now it is possible to speak about transition to regular release, writes information agency "Interfaks".