Akim Karabalykskogo of the area apologized for demolition of a statue of the ferroconcrete batyr

@Nasha gazeta
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Special briefing about a situation round demolition of a statue of the batyr on a horse in the settlement Karabalyk passed

today, on September 6, in a regional press club. On a briefing there arrived Akim Karabalykskogo of the area Utegenov Nurzhan , p a redsedatel of regional council of veterans Kabulova Saniya , the chairman of regional public council Sergey LYSYENKO and the grandson of the honourable citizen of the Karabalyksky area, the initiator of installation of a statue batyrayerzhigit Oralbekov Yerzhigit .

- the Situation with demolition of a small architectural form of the batyr on a horse from reinforced concrete caused a big public response, video was dispatched through social networks – Social network Facebook, social network "VKontakte", through votsapp, - Utegenov Nurzhan told. – I want to emphasize that it was small architectural form, instead of a monument as many thought and think still. On a monument documents are necessary, they are established only with the permission of the Ministry of Culture. The statue of the batyr on a horse according to documents passes, as a small architectural form. It was made of low-quality materials therefore almost at once began to collapse. It gave tail part, it was attached. Cemented, but then on a pedestal cracks went. Then the decision to transfer a statue to one of rural districts was made. Contractors were given accurate instructions – accurately to transfer a statue, but they it tryakhanuli and the statue collapsed. I apologize for it.

Akim of the area explained that money on installation of a statue were attracted – it managed to businessmen in the sum about 1 million tenges. The decision on dismantle was made even in the spring and regional businessmen knew about it.

the New bronze batyr will manage to businessmen in the sum about 40 million tenges. And for a granite pedestal and improvement round it, including installation of shops, lighting and parking on 8 cars will pay budget the area more than 29 million tenges.

On a question of why the small architectural form on the official site Akimat of Karabalyksky area was called as a monument and its installation described very pathosly, Utegenov Nurzhan answered that "it is possible to tell a lot of things", and it at that time the area did not work as Akim Karabalykskogo.

- the Initiator of installation of a monument on this place was our society, - the chairman of regional council of veterans Kabulova Saniya explained. – This place - the card of our area, entry into the area. When conversations on cracks went, we agreed that the new, sound monument is necessary.

Oralbekov Yerzhigit thanks to whom the history with a monument also gained such wide circulation, explained that he "simply grudged forces of the grandfather" - Uteshov Asylbek. He spoke about it almost with tears in the eyes.

- my grandfather on the 69th year of life ran that this statue devoted to the 550 anniversary of the Kazakh khanate, stood in Karabalyk, - Oralbekov Yerzhigit told. – Achieved it in the middle of the summer, and at the end of its August did not become. It became offensive for me for the grandfather, I and now cannot tell his name without tears.

On a question of, whether it liked a former statue and what does he think of that idea of his grandfather now zabronzoveet in a new monument, Oralbekov Yerzhigit answered:

- Yes, the statue me was pleasant to

Akim of the area especially emotionally spoke concerning bloggers and journalists to whom "hot sensations" are necessary and which in many respects accuse the power.

- When you write that officials have no brains, it is not necessary to consider itself it is cleverer than others, - Utegenov Nurzhan told. - All of us are the people created from blood and a flesh. Someone as the fates decree works at civil service, someone – in journalism. Give treats with understanding to any profession! It is not necessary to write that to the karabalykchena against the Kazakh khanate, against the Kazakh people! All of us are patriots. It is not necessary to draw conclusions on the basis of the destroyed statue! Yes, contractors allowed the worst violation. I once again apologize for it. Also I think that the new monument will please karabalykchan not less.

Oralbekov Yerzhigit Orlabekov, having taken the floor at the end of a briefing, too urged to rejoice to a new monument and told that now all "will be satisfied and happy".

of the Photo Likhogray Olga

Utegenov Nurzhan
Kabulova Saniya
Oralbekov Yerzhigit
Uteshov Asylbek
Likhogray Olga