In the Smolensk district opened a monument to the soldier liberator

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That who battled for the homeland. In Kholm-Zhirkovsky District opened a monument to the soldier liberator. The installation site was chosen not incidentally, after all in this area passed heavy fighting during the Great Patriotic War.

of Ten inhabitants Holm-Zhirkovsky go for opening of a monument to the soldier liberator. It was established on Grigoryeva Paulina by memories where more than 300 trees – in honor of lost for release of the region of fighters are planted.

Matyushina Galina the director of the Holm-Zhirkovsky local history museum, emphasized:

"Our area, as well as some areas Smolensk Region, was occupied twice and released. The first release to us came during the Rzhev and Vyazma offensive operation. For half a year our area was freed, but in July was again occupied".

Red Army men of the Yartsevsky shooting division Finally exempted the area from fascists in March, 1943. Annually this day in Holm-Zhirkovsky pass meetings and processions, however the monument devoted to release, was not still.

Vovchenko Vitaly, the chairman of Smolensk regional council of veterans, noted:

"The heroic page of our history inspires us that we were proud of a feat of the predecessors, the ancestors because it is patriots, it is heroes who in the life made the main thing – they won a victory".

Solemnly to open a monument it was entrusted representatives of three generations the hill-zhirkovtsev: to 90-year truzhenitsa of the back to Grigoryeva Paulina, to the participant of operations in North Caucasus to Ivanenko Mikhail and to yunarmeyets to Dmitri Lebedev.

Igor Lyakhov, the chairman of Smolensk district region duma, considers:

"We have to bring up youth on these monuments. Who will know and honor our heroes? Certainly, our youth. Also our heroes are not forgotten yet, the last war is not forgotten yet – will not begin new".

After opening guests and inhabitants of the settlement could pay a tribute to the memory of the fallen Red Army men. To the basis of a monument red carnations laid down.

Igor Lyakhov
Last position: Chairman (Smolensk regional Duma)
Grigoryeva Paulina
Matyushina Galina
Vovchenko Vitaly
Ivanenko Mikhail