Competition "Timashevsky rayon tomorrow"

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Dear inhabitants and guests of Timashyovsk!
For definition of priorities of social and economic policy, long-term goals and problems of social and economic developments, ensuring development and realization of Strategy of social and economic developments Timashevsky rayon for the long-term period Administration of the municipal entity Timashevsky district is held regional competition "Timashevsky rayon tomorrow" (further – Competition).
Competitions are Tasks:
- involvement of the population, representatives of the public and business community of Timashevsky rayon in definition of priorities of social and economic developments municipal educations Timashevsky rayon, discussion of questions of development and further realization of Strategy;
- identification of opinion of the population, representatives of the public and business community of Timashevsky rayon about relevance of the directions of Strategy at its development;
- formation of "the catalog of ready decisions" concerning prospects of social and economic developments municipal educations Timashevsky rayon which will be considered during the developing and realization and Strategy.
Competition is carried out by
on the following nominations:
1. "The human capital" – includes projects on development the human capital and to life improvement of quality in municipal education Timashevsky rayon (availability of services the social sphere, development medicine, educations, cultural traditions and leisure, tolerance and cross-cultural interaction, physical culture, sports and a healthy lifestyle, the volunteer movement, the available environment, development tourism, patriotic education, care of people and mercy, development the personnel capacity of the region; work with children and youth; employments and retrainings of adult population; cultural and educational activity; reduction of unemployment and increase in employment of the population adaptation and improvement of living conditions of disabled people and socially unprotected segments of the population, etc.) .
2. "The effective economy" – includes projects on increase of competitiveness of branches of economy of municipal educations Timashevsky rayon, including within intermunicipal cooperation with municipalities of the Central economic zone (social and economic policy, development rural territories, ensuring favorable investment climate, creation of conditions for the healthy competition, development businesses, effective (economical) production and labor productivity increase, development consumer cooperation and rural trades; organization of direct connections of producers and consumers of goods, works and services, organization of dialogue of the power and businesses; development infrastructures for stimulation self-busy and youth, etc.) .
3. "Spatial and territorial development" – includes projects on the modern spatial organization, development the transport and engineering infrastructures directed on creation of conditions for acceleration of developments of Timashevsky rayon, including within intermunicipal cooperation with municipalities of the Central economic zone (creation of complex conditions for comfortable and safe accommodation, complex improvement and transport availability; development urban environment and public spaces; improvement of system of the public and municipal administration, technological development area; application of digital technologies in work of social objects, objects public transports, municipal services, projects in the sphere of event, gastronomic, cultural and informative, ethnographic and recreational tourism, rational environmental management and ensuring ecological safety and dr).
Competition takes place
in three stages: The first stage (selection) from August 24, 2018 to October 25, 2018 - submission of applications for participation in Competition, selection of applicants for participation in Competition. Applications for participation in Competition and the competitive documentation, given after October 25, 2018, are not considered and to participation in Competition are not allowed. Second stage: since October 26, 2018 – on November 7, 2018 - consideration of projects and offers the Contest committee, definition of winners Competitions, selection of projects and offers for formation of "the catalog of ready decisions" - the register of projects and offers for inclusion in the Strategy project. Third stage: since November 8, 2018 – on November 15, 2018 - carrying out conference on presentation of basic provisions of the project of Strategy with a festive event on rewarding of winners Competitions. Participants present to the organizer Competitions:1) the completed demand; 2) competitive documentation - the competitive project or the offer in text form and in the form of its presentation (the presentation has to display contents of the project or the offer, no more than 10 slides). Works can be as individual, so prepared collectively. The demand and competitive documentation are submitted on the e-mail address of the organizer Competitions This email address is protected from spam boats, for its viewing at you Javascript with a mark "Competition" has to be included. Additional information on competition it is possible to receive by phones of department of economy and forecasting by Administration of the municipal entity Timashevsky district: (86130) 4-12-86, 4-73-35.<"27>"