Timashyovsk Krasnodar Territory, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThe judge to it appointed sentence in the form of administrative detention for a period of 7 days which he will serve in the special receiver for administratively detained in the city of Timashevsk of Krasnodar KraiThe judge to it appointed sentence in the form of administrative detention for a period of 7 days which he will serve in the special receiver for administratively detained in the city of Timashevsk of Krasnodar Krai10/4/2021Irina VolkOnly average medics it is required on the region of 3,4 thousand people, 2,5 thousand doctors are also necessary. We prepare the young shots – in two last years opened two branches of medical colleges in Timashevsk and Kurganinsk6/16/2023 Anna MinkovaFound out that not everything is all right in this mortuary. The head of this bureau in Timashevsk] was punished and lefFound out that not everything is all right in this mortuary. The head of this bureau in Timashevsk] was punished and lef12/28/2021Sergei TabelskyThe judge to it appointed sentence in the form of administrative detention for a period of 7 days which he will serve in the special receiver for administratively detained in the city of Timashevsk of Krasnodar KraiThe judge to it appointed sentence in the form of administrative detention for a period of 7 days which he will serve in the special receiver for administratively detained in the city of Timashevsk of Krasnodar Krai10/4/2021Irina VolkOnly average medics it is required on the region of 3,4 thousand people, 2,5 thousand doctors are also necessary. We prepare the young shots – in two last years opened two branches of medical colleges in Timashevsk and Kurganinsk6/16/2023 Anna MinkovaFound out that not everything is all right in this mortuary. The head of this bureau in Timashevsk] was punished and lefFound out that not everything is all right in this mortuary. The head of this bureau in Timashevsk] was punished and lef12/28/2021Sergei TabelskyThe judge to it appointed sentence in the form of administrative detention for a period of 7 days which he will serve in the special receiver for administratively detained in the city of Timashevsk of Krasnodar KraiThe judge to it appointed sentence in the form of administrative detention for a period of 7 days which he will serve in the special receiver for administratively detained in the city of Timashevsk of Krasnodar Krai10/4/2021Irina Volk12388Region News+26 last weekHead since 2018Nicholas Nikolaevich Panin0Media ScoreHead since 2018Nicholas Nikolaevich Panin231years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 17944:59:23 PMGMT+323RUS+786130Dialing code210Connections+53 last weekPopulation50 792NewsConnections Tree
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